Smart Skills: Scheduling WattBox Outlet Maintenance Events

Video transcript:

When was the last time you looked yourself in the mirror and asked how can smart power control improve my life? Though you may not think about this often, the ability to schedule outlet power cycles or turn an outlet on or off really can help your customers.

There are three simple steps in scheduling a power event for your Wattbox device.

First, login to OvrC and configure the device.

Second, plan the power event.

Third, create the power event schedule.

Step One is to login to OvrC and configure the device. Open a browser tab, type and enter your credentials. Locate your customer and then locate your customer’s WattBox device. To help you avoid confusion, click configure, then outlet options and carefully name each device with a reference to the device it powers.

Step Two is to plan the power event. A periodic power cycle of a device like an Apple TV, can keep it running smoothly especially if the device has a history of problems, but you don’t want that device to power cycle while your customer is binging their favorite show. So it’s a good practice to schedule a power cycle event every Sunday morning, say 3 AM to avoid mid-binge interruptions.

The Final task is to create the power event schedule. From the Wattbox device control in OvrC, click Schedule. Then, add new schedule. Type a schedule name. Let’s call ours “Reboot Apple TV”, then click the Apple TV power outlet. Next, select the outlet action you want. In this case, reset is the best option because you want the outlet to power off, then back on. Now you can select the frequency. A one time event can be scheduled, but for this activity, let’s set it to repeat every Sunday at 3 AM.

There you go. Now you can look in the mirror with a little more confidence knowing you can successfully schedule a power event for a Wattbox device.